SettingsGeneral Calling Convention Tracer PackagesSimulator Default ArgsText StartMax HistorySave on CloseSave on CloseAlignedAddressingForce Aligned Addressing?Mutable TextMutable Text?Only Ecall ExitOnly Ecall Exit?Default Reg StatesSet Registers on Init?Allow AccessAllow Access Between Stack and Heap?MemcheckEnable Memcheck?Verbose MemcheckEnable Verbose Memcheck?Max number of steps:(Negative means ignored) Dark ModeRegisters Pattern:To add tabs, type '\t' & new line, type '\n'. The current valid symbols to add are:%0% through %31% which represent the registers.%line% is the current line which it is on.%pc% represents the pc at the current instruction.%inst% represents the current instruction.%output% represents an ecall message out.%decode% represents the decoded instruction bits.%output%%0% %1% %2% %3% %4% %5% %6% %7% %8% %9% %10% %11% %12% %13% %14% %15% %16% %17% %18% %19% %20% %21% %22% %23% %24% %25% %26% %27% %28% %29% %30% %31% %line% %pc% %inst%(⇓ Green = True; White = false ⇓)Inst FirstInstruction first?PC Word AddrPC Word Addressed?Two StageTwo Stage?Total number of commands:(Negative means ignored)Output Number's Base:(2-32)EnableEnable Calling Convention Checker? Add Package
Registers Pattern:To add tabs, type '\t' & new line, type '\n'. The current valid symbols to add are:%0% through %31% which represent the registers.%line% is the current line which it is on.%pc% represents the pc at the current instruction.%inst% represents the current instruction.%output% represents an ecall message out.%decode% represents the decoded instruction bits.%output%%0% %1% %2% %3% %4% %5% %6% %7% %8% %9% %10% %11% %12% %13% %14% %15% %16% %17% %18% %19% %20% %21% %22% %23% %24% %25% %26% %27% %28% %29% %30% %31% %line% %pc% %inst%
Registers Memory Cache VDBInteger (R) Floating (F)zerora (x1)sp (x2)gp (x3)tp (x4)t0 (x5)t1 (x6)t2 (x7)s0 (x8)s1 (x9)a0 (x10)a1 (x11)a2 (x12)a3 (x13)a4 (x14)a5 (x15)a6 (x16)a7 (x17)s2 (x18)s3 (x19)s4 (x20)s5 (x21)s6 (x22)s7 (x23)s8 (x24)s9 (x25)s10 (x26)s11 (x27)t3 (x28)t4 (x29)t5 (x30)t6 (x31)FloatInput typeft0 (f0)ft1 (f1)ft2 (f2)ft3 (f3)ft4 (f4)ft5 (f5)ft6 (f6)ft7 (f7)fs0 (f8)fs1 (f9)fa0 (f10)fa1 (f11)fa2 (f12)fa3 (f13)fa4 (f14)fa5 (f15)fa6 (f16)fa7 (f17)fs2 (f18)fs3 (f19)fs4 (f20)fs5 (f21)fs6 (f22)fs7 (f23)fs8 (f24)fs9 (f25)fs10 (f26)fs11 (f27)ft8 (f28)ft9 (f29)ft10 (f30)ft11 (f31)Address+3+2+1+00x000000000x000000000x000000000x000000000x000000000x000000000x000000000x000000000x000000000x000000000x000000000x000000000x00000000Jump to-- choose --TextDataHeapStack Address:Cache LevelsBlock Size (Bytes)Number of BlocksAssociativityCache Size (Bytes)Enable?Enables current selected level of the cache.Direct MappedN-Way Set AssociativeFully AssociativeLRURandomL1Hit CountAccessesHit RateNOTE: This is a write through, write allocate cache.SeedBreakpoints WatchpointsIn depth break point view coming soon!Read/WriteOn Read | On Write AddressValueMask Add Watchpointvvv Watchpoints vvv